Reading a Photograph
The art of photography is one that can take you into a world of mystery and adventure, much like that of a children’s book. As children, we would read books, and to know what was going to happen, what already happened, or what is happening, we would have to continue reading. This is similar when studying photographic artwork. You have to delve into the photograph to understand the captured situation and indulge yourself in every detail.
When you look through a set of photos, the story held within the photos is able to unravel right before your eyes. One such photograph exhibits a scene with endless possibilities for the human mind to conceive. This photograph is the infamous "Raising the Flag on Iwo Jima," taken by Joe Rosenthal.
When you lay your eyes upon the photograph, you can see the soldiers using every bit of strength they have to raise that flag and you can see all the turmoil they have been through. If there’s anything to take away from this, it’s a simple explanation for “a picture is worth a thousand words.”