I am

Just a Girl...

Another Tit-Bit...

...With a Blog

Autumn Senses

Walking through the forest, my camera in hand, fallen leaves crunch beneath my feet and the silence is broken. The sound of woodland creatures scurrying about grabs my attention away from the troubles flowing through my mind. The wind whistles, the breezes flies through my hair, and I suddenly feel weightless. The sun pierces through tree branches, stinging my sensitive eyes. Yet, the trees that still bear leaves provide my eyes with rest from blazing light. The leaves cease to crunch as I sit against the trunk of a Redwood tree. The bark, firm against my back, provides me with a stable place to relax and forget the troubles of the world. I close my lids and feel the air soft around my skin as if the earth is breathing me in. Any thoughts within my mind are gone and for a moment, reality has no existence. I feel free and alive; thank the heavens for this amazing feeling - the feeling of this of picture perfect season - autumn.


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