I am

Just a Girl...

Another Tit-Bit...

...With a Blog

The Occupation of Human Traits

Many people have this preconceived notion that to be a good photographer they need natural born skill, extensive training, and expensive equipment – a common misconception. All you need is some basic human characteristics and a device that can capture an image.
Contrary to popular belief, you do not need an expensive DSLR to create photographic works of art; you actually don’t need to buy a camera at all. With just a few adjustments to your everyday shoebox, you can create a Pinhole camera that produces unique results. No matter what device you use to take photographs, you do need certain skills.
(example of a Pinhole photograph)

For one to master the art of photography you must have a specific skill set that enables you to exploit your surrounding and use them to your advantage. The most important of these skills derives from human characteristics and personalities. When considering whether to take up photography you must have confidence in yourself and your abilities if you wish to succeed. To prosper in the art of photography you should, in addition to confidence, possess at least two of these five key attributes: determination, creativity, diligence, humility, and prudence.


There isn’t an exact place that says you must have these traits I just picked five broad ones and below is a list of more specific characteristics.

Confidence: assurance, trust, conviction, self-reliance, courage, conviction

Determination: perseverance, purpose, motivation, initiative, ambition

Creativity: resourcefulness, thriftiness, tactfulness, ingenuity, inspirational

Diligence: attentiveness, persistence, commitment, devotion, dedication

Humility: appreciation respect, gratitude, gentleness, submissiveness

Prudence: discernment, consideration, discretion, rational, sophistication

PS The duck comic is not mine they belong to Aaron Johnson (no relation) here is the "What the Duck" website.


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